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The microlubrication is a mean to bring an accurate quantity of a liquid in a process.
It's also named MQL, Minimum Quantity Lubrication or microspraying


The microlubrication (MQL) or microspraying is used to proceed operations as:


Reliable and adjustable, the microlubrication allows to reduce the consumption of lubricant to the required value.

The cost reduction of machining operation may be very important:

The lubricant consumption reduction may be very important in cutting and stamping operations.
A powerful microlubrication device allow to uses a wide range of lubricant.
A well configured MQL device brings the lubricant at the strategic points. So the useful life of the tool is increased.

The working stands are cleaner and the washing operations are reduced or removed. (Top)


There is an important difference between the microlubrication or microspraying systems and the spraying system.

The flow of a liquid spread by a spraying system is adjusted by an adjustable jet.
The spraying technology is often used to cover wide areas or when the flow must be important.

It's a volumetric micropump which delivers the flow of liquid in the microlubrication, minimum quantity lubrication, MQL, microspraying technology. The capacity of the micropump is often adjustable. The flow may be set by the micropump capacity or its rhythm. The flow may be in the range of 77 mm3 to 1.4 litres by hour.

The calibrated liquid quantity may be:

A tube or a hose is set between the micropump and the nozzle. It may be:

In this last case:


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